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How to write a custom document loader

If you want to implement your own Document Loader, you have a few options.

Subclassing BaseDocumentLoader​

You can extend the BaseDocumentLoader class directly. The BaseDocumentLoader class provides a few convenience methods for loading documents from a variety of sources.

abstract class BaseDocumentLoader implements DocumentLoader {
abstract load(): Promise<Document[]>;

Subclassing TextLoader​

If you want to load documents from a text file, you can extend the TextLoader class. The TextLoader class takes care of reading the file, so all you have to do is implement a parse method.

abstract class TextLoader extends BaseDocumentLoader {
abstract parse(raw: string): Promise<string[]>;

Subclassing BufferLoader​

If you want to load documents from a binary file, you can extend the BufferLoader class. The BufferLoader class takes care of reading the file, so all you have to do is implement a parse method.

abstract class BufferLoader extends BaseDocumentLoader {
abstract parse(
raw: Buffer,
metadata: Document["metadata"]
): Promise<Document[]>;

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